The chronology of the book of Judges provided below is that derived by Robert B. Chisholm, Jr. chair and professor of Old Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (Chisholm 2009: 252) wherein the author argues that the book’s central section is arranged in two parallel panels (Judges 3:12-5:31 NASB and Judges 6:1–16:31 NASB), both of which cover the period from 1336 (or 1334 in the case of panel two) to 1130 BCE (Chisholm 2009: 247). His arrangement defines Panel 1 as focusing on the south for the period 1336–1190 and Panel 2 as focusing on the north, for the most part, for the period 1334–1190 BCE. This arrangement fits the events of Judges, as well as events both immediately before and after the Judges period, into the 480 years designated by 1 Kings 6:1 NASB.
Panel 1 Focus on the South (1336-1130 BCE)
Cushan-Rishathaim oppresses Israel 1336–1328 BCE (Judges 3:8 NASB).
Land rests after deliverance 1328–1288 BCE (Judges 3:11 NASB).
Moab oppresses Israel 1288–1270 BCE (Judges 3:14 NASB).
Land rests after deliverance 1270–1190 BCE (Judges 3:30 NASB).
Sisera oppresses Israel 1190–1170 BCE (Judges 4:3 NASB).
Land rests after deliverance 1170–1130 BCE (Judges 5:31 NASB).
Panel 2 Focus Primarily on the North (1334-1130 BCE):
Midian oppresses Israel 1334–1327 BCE (Judges 6:1 NASB).
Land rests after deliverance 1327–1287 BCE (Judges 8:28 NASB).
Abimelech rules after Jotham’s curse 1287–1284 BCE (Judges 9:22 NASB).
Tola leads Israel 1284–1261 BCE (Judges 10:2 NASB).
Jair leads Israel 1261–1239 BCE (Judges 10:3 NASB).
Philistines and Ammon oppress Israel 1239–1221 BCE (Judges 10:7-8 NASB).
Jephthah leads Israel 1221–1215 BCE (Judges 12:7 NASB).
Ibzan leads Israel 1215–1208 BCE (Judges 12:9 NASB).
Elon leads Israel 1208–1198 BCE (Judges 12:11 NASB).
Abdon leads Israel 1198–1190 BCE (Judges 12:14 NASB).
Philistines oppress Israel 1190–1150 BCE (Judges 13:1 NASB).
Samson leads Israel 1150–1130 BCE (Judges 15:20 NASB).
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